Valley of Fire

One of my favorite places in the Las Vegas area. It’s hard to describe, and pictures don’t do it justice. One of the most surreal landscapes I’ve ever visited. There is much to do and see in the Valley of Fire. Hiking, picnics, quiet contemplation. Snakes, lizards, desert tortoises, and many different birds can beContinue reading “Valley of Fire”

Nipton, CA

Continuing the Fallout New Vegas trail, next stop, Nipton, California. In the game, Caesar’s Legion controls the town. Lottery losers hang from crucifixes, smoldering tires surround them. You can buy lottery tickets in Nipton, but if you lose, you really lose. Nipton is just as quirky in real life as it is in the game.Continue reading “Nipton, CA”

Shoshone, CA and Dublin Gulch

Whenever I travel, I always do side trips. This past November, I decided to hit the south end of Death Valley and into the Mohave. Shoshone CA, population 31, is the southern gateway to Death Valley, with the last gas station before Furnace Creek. Within walking distance of the station is a little place calledContinue reading “Shoshone, CA and Dublin Gulch”

Goodsprings NV, Part 2

The Ghost Town Cafe sits next door to the Pioneer Saloon. Ice cold Sarsaparilla on tap, and pretty darn good eggs. You’ll almost always see a local in here. More pictures of the Goodsprings Cemetery. All pictures shot on Kodak Plus X at ISO 125. Konica Autoreflex TC, Hexanon 50/1.7. November 2019. Farewell to myContinue reading “Goodsprings NV, Part 2”

Goodsprings, NV

One of my favorite places to visit whenever I come to Vegas. The Pioneer Saloon was built in 1913 mainly from a Sears and Roebuck kit. Bullet holes are in a wall from a poker game gone bad. Featured in the famous video game Fallout: New Vegas, as the “Prospector” Saloon, it still gets fairContinue reading “Goodsprings, NV”

Starting the Journey…

Thanks for checking in. Film photography is my passion and requires a great deal of work and dedication. The ever shrinking supply of film, chemicals, and darkroom time makes one want to give up and turn digital. For me, digital photography just isn’t much fun. Working in a darkroom for 6 hours to get thatContinue reading “Starting the Journey…”

Photographic meanderings…

My name is Mike Howard, and these are my photographic meanderings. I never go anywhere without a camera, whether it’s one of my many film cameras or my phone. When I travel for purposes of photography, my preference is film. I’ve been using film in one form or another for over 40 years, since IContinue reading “Photographic meanderings…”