Starting the Journey…

Welcome to Analog America!

Thanks for checking in. Film photography is my passion and requires a great deal of work and dedication. The ever shrinking supply of film, chemicals, and darkroom time makes one want to give up and turn digital. For me, digital photography just isn’t much fun. Working in a darkroom for 6 hours to get that one perfect print is just exactly where I want to be.

There are some encouraging signs, though. There are still several healthy manufacturers of film, including Kodak, Ilford, Foma, and several others, dedicated to the craft. Film Ferrania, in Italy, is working towards resurrecting their color film lines, many people are looking forward to a film revival. There are still thousands of film photographers, including many young people learning the craft. I expect to continue on for decades.

Analog America is a project I’ve been working on now for several years. There are many places in the US that have been forgotten by commerce. the Interstate system, and plain indifference. It has been my goal these last few years to document these places in the best way I know how…on film. As I add to this blog, you will see I try to concentrate on details, rather than the landscape. There are millions of pictures on the internet of the Grand Canyon, but there aren’t nearly as many of the flora and fauna of that tiny little state park tucked 100 miles from the nearest interstate. Want a skyline of NYC? You won’t find it here. Instead, you’ll see the broken down post-war housing in a small town in Alabama.

Comments, stories, anything really, are always welcome here. Feel free to post comments or email me at any time. Know of a great little place to visit and photograph somewhere? Throw me a line.

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